Living Trust

As I mentioned before, creating a living trust is a good first step, however making sure it’s properly funded is important. Here are a few more things to do and make sure you have in place.
It’s a new year and the perfect time to make sure your living trust is properly funded. Creating your living trust was the first step, but funding your trust is just as important to keep your family out of probate court.
In California there are two general ways to structure an estate plan: with a “Living Trust” or with a “Will“. There are several differences between the two, including upfront cost, costs down the line, ease and difficulty of administration, the need for hiring an attorney and of course, the emotional toll on your family.
Marc Hajjar of Phillips auction house and attorney Crystal West Edwards discuss “the benefits of working with an appraiser to protect valuables such as jewelry and art to ensure they are properly distributed at the time of your or your loved one's death.”

Britton Law Group, P.C. is now Best Coast Estate Law, P.C.